On behalf of the GMBC Executive Committee, it is my pleasure to invite you to the GMBC Annual General Meeting to be held via Microsoft Teams at 16.00pm on 30 June 2020.
The purpose of this meeting is to consider the following:
1. To receive the Executive Committee's Report and the audited Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts of GMBC.
2. To re-appoint Kyaw & Kyaw Certified Public Accountants as auditors and to authorise the Executive Committee to fix their remuneration
3. Update on planned GMBC activities and discussion with the members
4. Update on the membership development of GMBC
5. Any other business that may be properly transacted at a General Meeting.
Any member company which cannot be present at the meeting, may appoint a proxy to vote on his behalf. Kindly send the proxy forms by 12th June 2020.
Please contact us any time with questions and comments.
We look forward to welcoming many of the GMBC members on 30 June 2020 and to a lively interaction.